

During pregnancy, your body undergoes tremendous changes as your baby grows and you prepare to bring a child into the world. Massage can alleviate muscle tension and discomfort that comes along with structural changes of pregnancy. The goals for prenatal massage are to minimize stress, promote relaxation, and prepare muscles for childbirth. Prenatal massage is an enjoyable and beneficial way to positively influence your pregnancy. It is recommended that you be at least in your second trimester to confidently receive massage.

Massage Therapists are trained in varying ways to prop the mother-to-be. Some use pillows to support a side-lying position while others utilize a specialize pregnancy pillow that allows the mother-to-be to lay face down.

Pregnancy Massage | 60 min | $90 BOOK ONLINE

Pregnancy Massage | 75 min | $110 BOOK ONLINE

Pregnancy Massage | 90 min | $130 BOOK ONLINE
