Fat Loss for Face + Body

Cryo-Contouring at Sage Healing Collective uses the Cryo-Lean 360™ Fat Reduction Machine,  a revolutionary and dynamic way to reduce areas of Fat on your body without surgery or downtime, using state-of-the art modalities. Cryo-Lean 360™ is a non-invasive and painless method of non-surgical Fat Reduction that induces lipolysis (the breaking down of fat cells) to reduce body fat without damaging other tissues. The Cryo-Lean 360™  treatment utilizes two different modalities; cold therapy & pulse shockwave therapy to target fat cells. Fat cells are more vulnerable to the effects of a combination of cold therapy and shockwave therapy which causes fat cell apoptosis, a natural controlled cell death.

Treatments can be performed once every 2 to 4 weeks for the body or 1-2 weeks for the face. There is a reason for this: when apoptosis occurs and some fat cells die, waste is formed. This will be eliminated by natural routes (blood, lymphatic system and urine). So, your body must be allowed to eliminate this waste without overloading the system. It is important not to overload the body’s pathways so your body can dispose of the fat. The destruction of fat cells will cause cell waste. This waste is passed through the body naturally, first through the blood then the lymphatic system and then sweat and urine. This process takes around 2 weeks. It is a safe, painless and a non-surgical alternative to liposuction

When doing the Cryo-Contouring procedure you are losing fat not losing weight. Losing or gaining weight generally does not increase or decrease the number of fat cells. Instead, it changes the size of fat cells. After dieting & weight loss, fat cells get smaller, but the number of fat cells stays the same. When weight is gained, fat cells get bigger.

The ideal candidate for this procedure should be within 10 to 25 lbs of their ideal body weight. However, almost anyone can do treatments, even if the person has more than 25 lbs to lose. The key is that those with more weight to lose need to have  realistic expectations, that results will take longer to achieve with more sessions along with implementing a healthy diet & exercise routine.

The body parts that can be targeted with Cryo-Contouring are: 

  • Stomach

  • Love handles

  • Under arms

  • Back bra-line

  • Outer Thighs

  • Inner Thighs

  • Face + Jaw Line 


CRYO-CONTOURING for the BODY 1-2 areas | 35 min | $250. BOOK ONLINE

$1000 for series of 5 | $250 savings. Expires in 6 months from date of purchase. Contact Sage to purchase.

CRYO-CONTOURING for the JAW LINE | 20 min | $125

$500 for series of 5 | $125 savings. Expires in 3 months from date of purchase. Contact Sage to purchase.

CRYO FACIAL… coming soon.

There are usually no side effects, except that you will urinate more following the treatment. Any localized redness will disappear after a few hours. In rare cases, minor localized discomfort may occur, but will usually dissipate within 48 hours.

Types of Fat

The body contains several types of fat.

Subcutaneous Fat - is the fat that lays just beneath the skin and above the muscles. It makes up the majority of our body fat. If you can pinch it and it jiggles it’s subcutaneous fat!

Visceral Fat - is also known as “hidden fat” because it is found underneath the muscle and surrounds your internal organs. A hard, protruding belly would most likely be caused by visceral fat.

CRYO-CONTOURING works on Subcutaneous Fat only!

Keys to Success

1. Healthy Diet – Your body is working hard to break down fat cells, so try to avoid sugar and carbs completely (for best results) or at the very least avoid sugar and carbs for 3 days prior to treatment and 3 days after the treatment.

2. Motion – 25 to 40 minutes of cardiovascular + strength building movements 7 days a week during your entire treatment plan. This is done to help stimulate the lymphatic system.

3. Hydrate – Make sure to drink lots of water (at least half of your bodyweight in ounces) before and after the treatment session daily throughout your treatment plan. Avoid drinking soda or high calorie, high sugar drinks. Limit caffeine & artificial sweeteners.

4. Avoid Alcohol & Smoking – This allows your body to focus more on flushing the fat out and not on removing the toxins that come from drinking and smoking. For best results, it is very important to follow this step. However, you can resume drinking after your treatment plan.

5. Get lots of sleep & rest

6. Do a Series of Treatments - Most people will require 5 to 7 sessions to produce the best slimming results. Results appear gradually over a few weeks and months.

This is not a weight loss program. This treatment works best for active, healthy people with problem areas of fat. To achieve the best results, you must combine treatments with lifestyle strategies.

Preparing for your Cryo-Contouring Treatments: 

●  Wear loose, comfortable clothes that you don’t mind if they get a little glycerine on them.

●  Bring something to entertain yourself with such as a book, phone or tablet unless you plan to nap!

●  Be patient. Stick to the treatment plan recommended by your practitioner and remember that it will take several sessions to see improvement and a series to get to your goal.

●  Start hydrating 8-12 hours before your session by drinking lots of water.

If you have any of the following, Cryo-Contouring is not for you:


•Clients on Dialysis

•Kidney Disease

•Any Lymphatic drainage disorders

•Open wounds, infected or swollen areas of the skin

•Should not be applied over or near cancerous areas

•Active cancer

•Currently in chemo or radiation therapy

•Dermatitis, eczema or rashes on the area to be treated

•Recent surgery and have scar tissue

•Have pacemaker, defibrillator or electronically implanted device

•Bleeding or circulation disorder

•Any nerve disorders

•Suffer from cold sensitivity or Reynaud’s

•Pregnant or breastfeeding

•Caution must be taken not to treat the abdomen during menstruation